Monday, 10 September 2018

Minutes of 1st AIS Parent Council Meeting -2018/2019 held on 03.09.2018

1st AIS Parent Council Meeting -2018/2019
Date | time 03.09.2018/15:40 | Meeting called to order by Mr. Browne (Principal)

In attendance

List of attendees:
Anna Stidahl
Grade 9 - Deputy Representative (DR)
Edd Smith
1A - DR
Alfiya Mol
1A - Representative (R)
Sofie Holte
3A - R
Kavita Chaudhary
8 – R
Sudhil Mishra
1B - DR
Malgorzata Gradziel
2A – R
Nagarajan Lakshmanan
1B – R
Mark Williams
10 – R
Kate Rushdy
Vidhi Kumar
Andrew Langridge
9 – R
Mette Reitz
6 - R
Anurag Sahajpal
7 - R
Ragnhild Krøglid
6 - DR
Jane Awuh
2A – DR
4A - R
Mr Robert Browne
Principal (beginning of meeting)

Principal’s Statement

Principal R. Browne was present to welcome the new PC body and briefly introduced what the PC was supposed to be all about (a representative body of the entire parent community who are automatically members of the council).
He praised the outgoing leader group and clearly stated that it had been a great working relationship with the chair.
He urged that the new PC bring in fresh eyes and ideas but be also mindful to look into the successes of the previous years and continue to build on them rather than try to fix what might not be broken…yet!
Finally, his doors were always open if anyone had any concerns.
The principal took his leave and the PC meeting continued with elections of the Leader Group.

Approval of last minutes

As this was the first meeting of the school year, the minutes from the last meeting were not read. There was however, a moment of insight from the outgoing PC chair, Anne-Lise Kielland. She encouraged constructive communication with the school which had been fundamental for the successes in the last year. She highlighted successes such as the improvement of the traffic conditions around the school and urged the new team to build on and carry such aspects forward.

Leader Group

Supported by the entire Parent Council (PC), the following volunteered their service into the leader group for the Parent Council:
            Chair: Vidhi Kumar
            Deputy chair: Kyle Depew
            Treasurer: Mette Reitz
            Secretary: Jane Awuh

 Budget and financial situation

The committee was updated on the financial status of the PC by Mette Reitz who was also the treasurer in the last academic year. The new school year kicks off with about 34000NOK in the coffers. Briefly, the major sources of income for the PC are the sales of year books and the sales of raffles etc, during the annual winter concert celebrations.
PC funds are supposed to be used for running parent-led activities that enrich the experience of the kids in AIS. Therefore, about 12000NOK was donated last year to buy materials for Art classes and equipment for the playground area.
Regarding the budget for the coming year, activities for the year are supposed to be run at a zero-cost level, however, there were proposals to purchase and contribute to the following;
-          A popcorn machine.
-          Hotplates.
-          A free pre-winter concert hotdog service (since this is usually a long day for the kids, a treat for them before the show was thought to be welcome proposal).
-          Carnival celebrations costumes, decorations, etc. (a one-time sum since this would be a first-time event).
All of these should bring the planned budget to about 21000NOK.
With approval from the PC, a cash box of about 1000NOK was proposed to be kept with the Treasurer to serve as change and cash supply during events when necessary.
More details of the financial situation are readily available from the Treasurer who will give an update at the monthly meetings.

2018/2019 Activities

The following activities were proposed by older members and approved for the academic year:
-          September: Breakfast organized by Class Reps
-          October: Halloween party (PYP 1-5) organized by 4A&B
-          December: Winter concert by 3A&B and 7
-          February: Carnival (for Grades 1-7) by 5A&B and 6
-          March: Spring (for Grades 8&9 organized by Grades 8&9) and Prom Party (for Grade10 organized by Grades 10)
-          May: 17th of May organized by Grades 1&2
-          June: End-of-school year breakfast or after school party organized by Class Reps.
Parent council committee activities (committees to be formed) in June 2019:
-          Year book
-          Teachers’ appreciation lunch
-          Hotdog sales

Committee reports

Committees would be set up to manage, run and report on the activities scheduled to be handled by the PC committee. Details would be discussed in the coming weeks.


-          Parents are encouraged to join the AIS Parents Facebook group that also circulates information on events and more.
-          Meetings take place once a month, on the first Monday of every month at 15:40 prompt, chaired by the Chair.
-          The PC blog will be updated as usual by the Secretary with minutes and other important announcements/events

Next meeting

08.10.2018, at 15:40 in AIS (this is because the first Monday of October falls within the Autumn holiday).
The meeting ended at approximately 17:00.

Test walk from Asker train station to the new AIS building and back - with a 9 year old

 Dear parents and caregivers,  Google maps suggests that it takes19 minutes to talk from Asker station to the school. That seemed like a lot...