Thursday, 9 March 2023

Yearbook 2022-23 is coming a long

 Hey parents, 

The process around creating this school year's year book is under way, and it being lead by Marianne in grade 3 A. 

We are so lucky to have an AIS parent, Fabricia, donate her time and photograph our kids. We did classes 1-3 today, and they were SO well behaved. Super fun to watch them having their picture taken. 

Fabricia, our talented  photographer (parent of a child in grade 9 A)

Here we are ready, waiting for the kids :)

If you want to purchase your child's picture, you can contact her directly. 

This is her website: Fabricia Ramiro Photography

Have a lovely day!


Test walk from Asker train station to the new AIS building and back - with a 9 year old

 Dear parents and caregivers,  Google maps suggests that it takes19 minutes to talk from Asker station to the school. That seemed like a lot...