Saturday, 10 November 2018

Minutes of 3rd AIS Parent Council Meeting -2018/2019 held on 05.11.2018

3rd AIS Parent Council Meeting -2018/2019
Date | time 05.11.2018/15:45 | Meeting called to order by Jane Awuh (Secretary)

In attendance

List of attendees:
Nagarajan Lakshamanen
Grade 1B – R
Kristine Iversby
3A – (deputy representative, DR)
Per Annar  Sandaune
10 - DR
Sofie Holte
3A - R
Allison Thom
Malgorzata Gradziel
2A – R
Mark Williams
10 – R
Kate Rushdy
Edd Smith
1A – (R, swapped with voted Rep)
Mette Reitz
6 - R
Anurag Sahajpal
7 - R
Kathrin Volkmer
4A – DR
Jane Awuh
2A – DR
Robert Smallshire
Anja Stidahl
9- DR
Mr Robert Browne
Principal (beginning of meeting)

Principal’s Statement

Principal R. Browne was present to update on the following:
AIS campus: The principal will be meeting with the mayor along with the AIS board chair to continue lobbying for the possibility of acquisition of the campus.
2019/2020 school budget: The administration is working on this budget that should be approved by the AIS board. The PC chair will be invited to the board meeting when it is scheduled within 2018. He added that it is expected that about 0.5million NOK will be allocated for professional development of staff. This because AIS seeks to establish itself as a key player in contributing to increasing a sub-optimal pool of quality staff around the country in international schools. AIS will be hosting the professional development platform for international schools in Norway for the 3rd time.
Recruitment and retention of Norwegian teachers who teach Norwegian has been difficult and it is hoped that such initiatives would address this problem and increase the pool of qualified teachers.
Risenga Skole/AIS campus/traffic situation: The school started sharing the campus with students from Risenga from 09.10.2018. This has been working fine so far although there had been a few conflicts about spaces which are under control. The principal added that the AIS staff will continue to be more vigilant around campus. He has also extended collaboration efforts towards the Risenga staff to improve relationships. Risenga staff have been informed on the traffic conditions around AIS just as AIS parents who continue to be cautioned to use common sense to protect our children from avoidable traffic incidents. He also noted that suggestions on making the traffic situations even better are always welcome.
Student surveys: To clarify this survey mentioned in the last minutes, the principal indicated that this survey organized by the government is to evaluate the school environment from the student’s perspective. This survey is intended for grades 8-10 but at AIS it is extended down to grad 6. It was on-going, and results are expected January. The PC will be informed of the results.
Homework: A question was addressed to the principal if there was any format for homework that is recommended by the IB programme, to which he said no but homework was intended to incorporate interdisciplinary skills development and varies for the different grades depending on their actual curriculum.
The principal took his leave and the PC meeting proceeded.

Approval of last minutes

The minutes from the last meeting were promptly approved and adopted.

Meeting chair

The meeting was chaired by Jane Awuh.

Budget and financial situation

The committee was updated on the financial status of the PC by Mette. A cash box of 1000NOK was now in her keeping to serve as change and cash supply during events when necessary.
Funds had been disbursed for the purchase of a popcorn machine that was taken into use during the Halloween party.
The hotplates are still on hold until more information on the needs is gathered.
More details of the financial situation are readily available from the Treasurer who will give an update at the monthly meetings.

2018/2019 Activities/ New business

·         SFO offer: The Chair agreed to ask the school to send out an offer/plan for SFO ahead of long holidays to give parents a chance to register their children in those periods when these services would normally not be available unless many show interest.
·         Winter concert: The committee in charge of the organization are at work in planning and everything is on track. The PC will be updated as more information becomes available.
·         Other matters on the agenda raised for discussion by Kavita (who unfortunately was absent) were postponed until she was back.
·         Committees: There was some progress in forming committees to run the year's PC-led activities:
-          Year book (organize photos and portraits): Kyle, Jane, Gosia, Mark, Naga led by Kyle.
It will be important to find a volunteer for photographing of portraits of the children. It was agreed that an email will be sent to the PC body for possible solutions. This is important to keep costs down and make the year books more affordable.
-          Hot dog sales: At least 2 volunteers are still needed to go ahead with this activity hence the start-up is extended into the next weeks hoping more parents would volunteer (Current volunteers: Kate, Tara, Gosia, perhaps Kyle).

Committee reports

Halloween (October 26th for grades 1-5): Kyle Depew who led the organization of the event updated on the immense success of the party. All kids were happy with enough popcorn and bites to go around.  He highlighted the brilliant contribution of the middle school girls who organized the ‘haunted house’. He noted he had talked to the school to acknowledge the contribution of the girls in some way, hopefully to get others encouraged to volunteer next time and why not the same students for other activities. Most parents were satisfied too with the Halloween reports form their kids.

Announcements to the Parent Council

-          The PC committee is looking for a volunteer photographer for portraits of the children for the year book, 2019. Please contact your class rep if you can or know a professional for a deal.
-          Volunteers needed for PC-led activities (Hot dog sales once a month), please contact your class representative if you find the time to help out.
-          Parents are encouraged to visit the AIS blog and join the AIS Parents Facebook group that also circulates information on events and more.
-          Meetings take place once a month, on the first Monday of every month at 15:40 prompt, chaired by the Chair. Please send issues for discussions via your class reps.
-          The PC blog will be updated as usual by the Secretary with minutes and other important announcements/events

Next meeting

03.12.2018, at 15:40 in AIS.
The meeting ended at approximately 16:50.

Test walk from Asker train station to the new AIS building and back - with a 9 year old

 Dear parents and caregivers,  Google maps suggests that it takes19 minutes to talk from Asker station to the school. That seemed like a lot...