Monday, 5 November 2018

Minutes of 2nd AIS Parent Council Meeting -2018/2019 held on 08.10.2018

2nd AIS Parent Council Meeting -2018/2019
Date | time 08.10.2018/15:40 | Meeting called to order by Jane Awuh (Secretary)

In attendance

List of attendees:
Tara Tinholt
Grade 5A
Kristine Iversby
3A – (deputy representative, DR)
Per Annar  Sandaune
Sofie Holte
3A - R
Kavita Chaudhary
8 – R
Bard Osland?
Mark Williams
10 – R
Kate Rushdy
Andrew Langridge
9 – R
Mette Reitz
6 - R
Anurag Sahajpal
7 - R
Ragnhild Krøglid
6 - DR
Jane Awuh
2A – DR
4B - R
Mr Robert Browne
Principal (beginning of meeting)

A handful of reps graciously sent in their excuses for absence.

Principal’s Statement

Principal R. Browne was present to update on the following:
Halloween (October 26th for grades 1-5): Some students were helping Kyle Depew in organizing the event by volunteering on road terror etc. There was a comment that some parents had complained that images used in the facebook Halloween announcement was too scary for some kids but the consensus was that it was not supposed to be available to kids under 13 years old.
UN Day (24th October): As part of the celebrations, the school needed more volunteer speakers, while some parents had already volunteered to speak.
Risenga Skole/AIS campus: The school was going to start sharing the campus with students from Risenga from 09.10.2018. The principal added that the AIS staff will be more vigilant around campus. The hope is that the property would eventually be bought by AIS. There will be a meeting with the mayor on the 22.11.2018 on that topic. He hoped that the conversation of acquisition will be concluded within 2019, for political reasons that Asker kommune will be merging with other kommunes and the fate of that building might be down-prioritized.
Student surveys: Its one that is required by the government and is scheduled for January.
Winter concert: The school had decided to split it into 2 due to the large number of potential attendees. PYP / MYP scheduled for December 12th and 19th, at the Asker konferanse senter. Last year at the same location, the event costed about 20 000NOK hence it is expected to cost 2x as much this year.
Food delivery: The delivery of lunch to school had been suspended due to the large amount of one-time-use plastic and food waste. The caterers have come up with alternatives for improvement that the school has decided to try out again: paper wrappings, foil, etc. The first delivery was expected on Oct. 15th until December 2018. Quality and wrappings will then be reevaluated.
Some constructions were ongoing around campus.
 The principal took his leave and the PC meeting proceeded.

Approval of last minutes

The minutes from the last meeting were promptly adopted.

Meeting chair

In the absence of the chair and her deputy, the meeting was well-chaired by Kate Rushdy.

 Budget and financial situation

The committee was updated on the financial status of the PC by Mette (see last minutes too as not much had changed).
With approval from the PC, a cash box of about 1000NOK will be kept with the Treasurer to serve as change and cash supply during events when necessary.
Proposed purchases too for the academic year (see last minutes) were also approved and the funds would be disbursed for the purpose to the responsible individuals (Kyle and Mette).
More details of the financial situation are readily available from the Treasurer who will give an update at the monthly meetings.

2018/2019 Activities/ New business

·         An email regarding producing AIS memorabilia (sweatshirts) from the producers was agreed to be referred to the school via the PC chair.
·         There was an effort to form committees to run the years PC-led activities:
-          Year book (organize photos and portraits): Kyle and volunteers he can find.
-          Teachers’ appreciation lunch: Kate, Tale, Kavita, Mette.
-          Hotdog sales: Once a month. Kate and Tara (at least 5 volunteers were needed to run the activity so it was agreed to post an announcement on facebook to get more volunteers. The grade 10 rep, Mark, also suggested he could find out from the school if grade 10 students could volunteer as part of their school projects)

Committee reports

There was an update on how the first activity of the year, Breakfast, concluded. There were very positive responses from class reps and teachers. Overall it was a big success. Grade 10 did not get the opportunity to organize one this time around.


-          Volunteers needed for PC-led activities (Hot dog sales once a month), please contact your class representative if you find the time to help out.
-          Parents are encouraged to join the AIS Parents Facebook group that also circulates information on events and more.
-          Meetings take place once a month, on the first Monday of every month at 15:40 prompt, chaired by the Chair.
-          The PC blog will be updated as usual by the Secretary with minutes and other important announcements/events

Next meeting

05.11.2018, at 15:40 in AIS.
The meeting ended at approximately 17:00.

Test walk from Asker train station to the new AIS building and back - with a 9 year old

 Dear parents and caregivers,  Google maps suggests that it takes19 minutes to talk from Asker station to the school. That seemed like a lot...